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Friday, May 4, 2012

Week 5 Day 2

So week 5 is a big week in C25K.  When I look ahead at workouts, I am usually a bit worried, but week 5 is downright intimidating.  Day 1 is three 5 minute runs with 3 minute walks in-between.  Not horrible.  It actually went pretty well.  Day 2 is two 8 minute runs with a 5 minute walk in-between.  That was today.  I am super happy with how well it went.  The first run was a piece of cake.  The second one got harder around minute 4, but I finished strong and was super proud when I was done.  Since I run so slow, it means I ran a bit over a mile, but I am still proud.  BUT, next up is 20 minutes running nonstop.  Now, I have learned to have faith in the program, that it has prepared me for each work out.  But for me running is all mental now.  Sure my legs get tired and I am breathing heavier by the end of each run, but if I get it in my head that I won't make it, I won't.  I have to tell myself that i can, multiple times during and before the runs to make it happen.  Its silly, but thats the truth.  So, I CAN do this 20 minute run and afterwards I will be so very very happy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

30 Day Shred and W3D3

Soooo yesterday I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to do on my days off from couch to 5 k. It is interval training - 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs three times. Its all over in about 25 minutes but it tried to kill me last night. I seriously could barely walk today.

BUT, I did my week 3 day three of the couch to 5 k! We will see if I can walk tomorrow :) It was hard, but I made my way through.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


So, it looks as though it has been a long time since I have worked out, but in actuality I was on vacation in Paris where we walked more than 8 or 9 miles a day! I count this as working out. We also climbed approximately a million stairs. I caught a nasty virus from my mom on the plane ride home, so I spent this week resting and now I am back to it. Three whole minutes at a time. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it, and the last 3 minute run was tough towards the end but I didn't let my brain talk me out of it and I did it!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 3 Day 1

So today was the day we started running for 3 whole minutes! And it didn't suck! Yay!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 2, day 2

Last night I did day two of week two , or day 5. It was much better than sunday. I was stronger and made it through with minimal panting. I also wore my new super flat shoes. They were great. I am made for minimal running shoes.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let's try that again...

So, I started the couch to 5k, and then somehow, as usual, life got in the way. So, now I am back at it and tonight I ran day 4. It was a lot harder than days 1-3 for me. The increase from 1 min of running to 1.5 min of running took a lot out of me. I also think I was dehydrated which didn't help. But, I'm back on the wagon and should be running three miles in May :) I will probably even take my running shoes to Paris......