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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's go!

So, I have planned 3 trips so far for this summer.  Now, granted, one is a training trip to NYC for my internship, but still...I can't complain about that.  A free week in NYC anyone?? :)  I am going home on Sunday for two weeks and I am so excited that I get to sit at home and be a bum rather than be here and have to deal with real life stuff.  I am going to see some of my college friends, and my little brother and sister.  Wahoo.  

So, I have been teaching myself to knit and so far I have made part of a sock, and almost a mitten.  Why do I pick things that go in pairs???  WHY?  

At first I taught myself left handed knitting (all on accident, I swear), but now I have taught myself to knit right handed.  It is fun, and the mitten has been much more rewarding because the yarn is thicker and so the project has gone much quicker.  

Here is a picture of my sock:
Ya, its not quite done yet.

Here are the mittens I am making:

I have two more craft projects up my sleeve : 1.  Paper crane earrings. 2.  Scrabble tile pendants.  I have the supplies, I just have to muster up some effort.  

And now I'm off to do something productive.  Let me know what you think of my projects.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So, I decided to join the world of blogging.  We'll see how it goes!  I hope to give friends and family a place to feel connected to my life here in the big city.  It's a place to show off my recent craft projects, baking adventures, and the occasional tale of graduate school.  I hope you enjoy.  

As for my current status, let's see.  Classes ended in April, and I am trying to get my life organized.  I cannot believe how much mail one person can receive in a school year.  I had so many things to file/throw away.  Anyone have a good system for staying on top of 'real life'?  

I am steadily trying to plan out my thesis so that I can *hopefully* finish in a year and get a real life.  

Life seems to be treating me well.  My parents were able to visit a few weeks ago and I had a blast with them.  We went to see the butterflies, ate amazing mexican food, went to visit family friends and knitted at night!  It was great to show them where I have been living for the past three years (I can't believe it's been that long!!!!).  

That's all for now, but I have so much to say.  
